阿弥陀佛🙏 已进入第三年的疫情带给了我们许多变化与不便。近期的国际局势也不稳定。念诵《地藏十轮经》可为大家祈求世界和平、社会和谐、国泰民安。请各位佛友踊跃登记参与这殊胜的全年法会,利益自己也利益他人!
As the pandemic enters into its third year, our lives continue to be filled with inconveniences and challenges. Recent international events have also added tension to these trying times. Reciting the Ksitigarbha 10 Wheels Sutra generates immense merits which can be dedicated to stability in society, prosperity for the country and global peace. We hope as many people as possible can participate in this Puja!
法会详情|Puja Details
报名方式 | Registration
Whatsapp (9639 2440)
电话| Landline (6474 3926)